June 22, 2015

keeping up with the long lost kardashian // part 2: summer is here


My school is like one of the last to start summer, but I finally made it! It's been a stressful year, but it's been fun too. I made lots of new friends, had some of the best groups in my classes, and ended the year with a 4.0! Enough with the school talk though because we all need a break.

This weekend was my first weekend of summer and it was so laid back. Friday night was the official first night of summer, so my friend had a little bonfire hang out at her house. It was a really chill night  where we shared summer ideas while eating those huge 1.9 lbs or something like that bags of diabetes   sour gummy worms. I'm sorry they're just too addicting, I'm obsessed with them.

On Saturday, I went shopping and bought a new bikini because surprisingly I don't own one. It's from American Apparel, because I mean what do I own that isn't from there???? But you'll see pictures of it up on here sometime, I promise. It was a beautiful breezy day and the sun was shining bright. So of course, since I'm always at the beach, we stopped by at Manhattan Beach and walked the pier. After we stopped by at my uncle's house and had a little bbq because that is what summer is all about.

Because I am literally the procrastination princess, I spent Sunday shopping for a father's day gift. My dad had to work though, so I couldn't spend the day with him. Besides, wishing all of the DILFS and daddys a happy fathers day, I finally caught up on pretty little liars because the last season was :\\\ and I just couldn't take it. I fought through it though and OH MY GOD IT GOT GOOD. If you want to start a convo with me about or just express your love for Ezra Fittz to someone who understands leave a comment. But I'm an episode behind on the new season so no spoilers pls and thank u.

Anywayssss, I just wanted to share what I've been up to because I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. However, now that school's out expect a lot more posts! Hopefully outfit ones too since I haven't shared one of those since like 1963. I also wanted to share a new playlist I made. As much as I love spotify, I made this one on 8tracks and I really don't know why. It's made for those gold summer days when the weather is hot, but you don't mind because you're with your friends just tryna vibe. Everything is going great, but you need a soundtrack that lets you dance and/or just sway your head. If you're into the electronic stuff like Chet Faker and Flume, or you're just looking for a new sound, this one is for you. 



  1. I loved this kind of post! I too have just had my first week of summer, sounds like you had fun! x


    1. aw, thanks! i hope u had fun too and the rest of summer is even better!

  2. Congrats on your 4.0! So excited summer is here!!!


  3. That picture of the sea is BEAUTIFUL, I hope you're having a magical summer!
    Hope you've had a great day,
    Bethany x


    Do pop over to my blog, if you fancy of course, and tell me what you think!

    1. aw thanks! you can always find more like that on my instagram <3
