June 26, 2015

about a year ago

Okay, so not technically one year. My first post was June 23, 2014 and today is June 26, 2015, but you get the idea.
Wow. It's crazy knowing a year ago I made bad sass. A lot has changed since then. But then not much. Now, I actually dislike my blog name for some reason. At the time I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Today, I am bored with it. I should've known that from the beginning though since I have huge commitment problems. Well, as big as they can be for a 16 year old. I probably should've just named my blog after myself, but then I thought I wouldn't be as cool as rookie or the sugar fawn. Who knows, maybe my new header my cousin made for me will help love bad sass again.

This blog is not at all what I thought it would be like, which is probably a good thing. I came to the blogosphere when I was 15 hoping to be super professional, but still young and hip. I wanted to review high couture collections, talk music and celebrities, give advice, post daily ootds, and talk as little about my life as possible. In a way, I'm still doing that, but it's different. Now, I rant more than talk about my outfits and I am not even close to being as professional/organized as I thought I would be. I literally just go with the flow and post about anything whenever ......which is probably why I complain a lot on this blog. sorry.

However, I still get readers coming back so I must be doing something right! No, but really I never thought people would actually be coming back and commenting on my posts. Like, I knew I was cool, but never that cool. It's so insane knowing there's people out there actually interested in my life. Or maybe nobody actually reads my posts and you just click on them to give me views and feed my already big ego. Either way, I still love you.

Once again, I didn't know where I was going with this blog post. I probably started with the intentions of laughing at how horrible my first blog posts were. I mean really, my first two are so bad they make me cry. But, my newer ones still aren't that much better. But it is what it is. Cue blood orange.

I'm actually so surprised I didn't quit blogging in my first few months, and I'm so glad I didn't. It has been so fun and I love it. I wish I was able to invite you all over for pizza and cake to celebrate my yeararversary, but sadly I can't. A virtual cupcake for ya grrl's blog bday will have to do.



  1. OMG happy bday to your babe of a blog!!! I can so relate, I had every intention of modeling my blog after The style rookie/Rookie and getting low key famous but ya girl is still a reg teen instead of sitting next to zayn at men's fashion week :/ I <3 your blood orange pun almost as much as I <3 ur blog

    1. that is the dream girl! one day we will be sitting next to zayn and ask him why he cut off his precious hair, just keep dreaming! <3

  2. WOAH Happy blog birthday!!! Fantastic blog, keep doing whatcha doin
    bella xx

  3. Aww happy blog birthday (virtual party poppers) ^_- x


  4. That's really an accomplishment that you've been writing your blog for a year! Good for you for hanging in there! I really like your blog - I love your personality and how you're always so honest on here!


  5. Congrats you should be so proud of your blog it's fab x


  6. 'Congrat! Happy b-day to your blog! Hope you will get more stuffs to share with us
    Inflatable Mattress Review at MyInflatablePoly.com

  7. Ahh, I love this blog. It's so easy going and you're so nice, so yeah you're doing something right !


  8. Happy blog birthday and your header is perfect! x

    1. ooo thank you <3 cameryn made it for me, you should totally check her out
