June 11, 2015

dear summer 2015, please be good

Here's to hoping I will actually get out of my bed this summer.

btw this is my first ever drawing and its supposed to be me in bed #dontjudge

The other day someone on tumblr asked me to do a post about my summer plans / bucket list. First I would like to thank that person for actually caring enough to want to know what I'm planning to do this summer. And then I would also like to thank you for giving me a way to distract myself from finals, you're the real mvp. Honestly though, I'm really boring and don't get out of bed till like 1pm so this will suck. However, I do have lots of ideas for this summer and I really don't want to get into the habit of watching netflix all day. I mean thats cool and all but there's so much more to enjoy. 

1. FYF OF COURSE!!!!! 
Ahhh, so pumped for this but why does it have to be at the end of summer, its like they hate me and do it on purpose :\\

2. Camping in Big Sur is honestly the dream. Or just visiting really will be enough, but there's something about camping that makes it that much better.

3. Disneyland disneyland disneyland and more disneyland, 
but if you follow me on instagram then you already know that.

4. Some typa summer job because I'm tired of being on the broke hoe budget.

5. The OC fair when that comes around, I love going every year.

and if something bad happens who knows maybe a werewolf will save me out of the water.

7. I live in Southern California, I think it's about time I learn how to surf. 

8. I want to take a train or bus or a road trip to san francisco, I've been but I really want to visit.

9. Buy tons of disposables and take pictures of everything. Absolutely everything. Then get them developed in a couple of months and use it as a time capsule.

10. Try new things meet new people visit new places, whatever they will be

11. Spend a day museum hopping.


13. Spend a night watching the sunset from a view. Either the (500) days of summer bench of the observatory.

Praying I do all of these things or most or none at all idk I just want a great summer because I'm tried of stressing about school. Wishing you all the best summer ever too.



  1. Love this- I need to make my own summer bucket list! So jel of you living in Southern California xx

  2. Great post! And I gotta say, I love the name of your blog.


    1. omg that means a lot thanks I'm always regretting it but its cool that someone else likes it!

  3. Omg these plans are so similar to mine, I really need to get out of bed and do some rad things this year! Like getting a job is right up there on mine too haha- I lit cant fund anything I wanna do haha xo

    1. girl i feel ya!!! all of my plans cost and i have like $10 saved hahah

  4. I have pretty similar summer plans! Have fun at the meantime

  5. I just spent a whole afternoon stalking your blog and you're my new favorite! I especially love your 'the blind leading the blind' series. Summer's over for me and I did succeed in completing my bucket list involving watching movies everyday, and I hope you get to do most of the things you listed! Love your little sketch too. xx

    Andrea | Collars and Bones

    1. ahh that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! thank u, i love u <3

  6. Nice post! I love summer period >w< Especially because I love sun and camping too haha
    Oh and you're so lucky to go Disneyland :33

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