September 13, 2015

back to back

Early September is usually the beginning to going back to the old routine that was before summer.
Back to the most dread place on Earth, school. Back to drowning in homework every night. Back to crying in the hallways over the cute boys I'm too scared to talk to. Back to attending only the major football games because those are the ones that get LIT. Back to dissing Meek Mill. And back to actually dressing cute again.
I am sorry for abandoning the blogging community the last two weeks. I swear I didn't mean to. My laptop went black and I wanted to die. Thankfully, I was able to get it fix though! So now I'm back to posting, the last from my back to list, once a week. hopefully.

Or maybe, no one really cared and I'm just trying to make myself sound cooler. That is usually the situation anyways. But I don't care, I will have this moment!

  I also think I may have even gotten my style back!!!! I stopped wearing the same gray v neck paired with high waisted shorts while trying to pass as a fashion blogger. I know, AMAZING. I didn't think it was possible either. Be proud and give me the standing ovation I deserve. Now that I am killing the game again and I get to take home a dslr camera because of yearbook, I am finally able to make quality posts! I'm reaching for a balance between unnecessary, surprisingly relatable, complaints and outfit posts. 

Let this be the first and here's to many more!
I know I already posted this outfit on instagram, I am a horrible outfit repeater. I promise I was going to post more, but I decided to save that for later. insert smiling devil emoji here. 

Anyways this is the perfect school grind/end of summer transition look and everything is from American Apparel, again why am I horrible. Paired with my white high top converse that actually look more gray than white and a black piece of suede string I got from Michaels tied around my neck. #fashion



  1. I love those short, and you have so much STYLE omg it's ridiculous


  2. I love this whole entire outfit, it reminds me of a rocking 60s summer vibe, so cute! I love the personal chocker touches as well and excited for more posts to come.

    1. omg i didn't even think about the 60's summer esque, but that is the ultimate goal so SCORE!

  3. Wow you look amazing! Such beautiful picks x

  4. you look super cool, back to school is killing me too wahhh x

  5. I like the style, converse are so perfect they really do go with everything! Hope the back to school is alright, I start uni in a bit too Xx

  6. such a great shirt, you look so pretty :)

    Check out my blog if you want:

    Tamara xxx

  7. A very nice casual and cute outfit. I love shopping at American apparel. Everything is mostly flattering on me :D Thanks for the share. Jo x

  8. really cool outfit, i love your shorts x
