March 28, 2018

the blind leading the blind // part 9

1. everyone is a shitty person, but do us all a favor and own up to being a shitty person. there's no need to front because we all are Shitty, but if u pretend like you aren't your actually so much shittier!

2. make a tinder for validation and attention

3. i mean if you drink to the point that you're throwing up its pemdas and you wont actually get a beer belly

4. buy skater brands to attract the skater boys

5. try to sleep ur sadness away and then wake up confused as fuck when its still there

6. emojis are the best coping mechanism

7. make sure your first boyfriend isn't someone you're going to want in your life forever

8. it is totally okay and possible to spend a Good amount of time fucking and cuddling with someone that u have absolutely no romantic feelings for


10. everyone will eventually let you down


  1. Number five is something I proudly do everyday, hehe
    + I luv u n ur blog so some extra validation and attention <3 <3

    1. ahhhh that is exactly what i needed LOL thank uuuuu <3

  2. my heart @ number 5 and number 9. Lol, I feel you so much. Also I've entered my first relationship and totally get the sentiment of making sure that that first person isn't someone I want in my life forever, even though that makes me really sad. But the thought of being with him and only him kinda scares me, like what if i want to experiment?? but does that make me a bad person, am i just picky and easily bored? idk. sad times. The universe has a way of working everything out so we just need to trust that atm tbh lol. <3

    1. omg yes girl i'm so sorry, i made this post when i was really sad about a whole bunch of stuff going on in my life LOL. but, about number 9 sometimes they can be in ur life forever?!????!!! either the relationship works which is Great or if things end n its not extremely terrible n u guys still care about each other, just not romantically anymore i think it can work?? lmao this is something i am struggling w n its sad, but i think it just takes time if that makes sense which is also kinda shitty. omg this is such a long rant im SORRY. idk what im saying. n ur feelings of wanting to try other things is understandable!!! ur not bad for thinking that, almost EVERYONE thinks that! i even thought that when i went into my first relationship. im sure u'll be fine n like u said life has a way or working things out! i wish u two the best <3

  3. lmao @ 5. I hate emotional naps so much. It's like I know I'm gonna wake up feeling the same, and I gotta wake up feeling grumpy now too.

    1. so true but i still can't help but take them lmfao my fav/only thing i do
