July 8, 2015

keeping up with the long lost kardashian // part 3: out of boredom


During summer you never want to be bored. But it happens. And probably more often than you wish. When you're bored you may do things that aren't the best ideas, like eating one big bag of chips plus a donut and some ice cream along with anything/everything in your fridge. You may also do some crazy things you'd never expect you would go through with, like cuting your hair.

Yup, that's right. I was bored of my messy hair and needed a change. So, I asked my mom to give me fringe. And cried a lil when I saw her chop off my old long bangs which were actually more like my first layer. But if you follow me on instagram, then you already know that.
Another shameless self promo. Don't blame me, blame capitalism. 
me: crying because i miss my hair and its hard to find a good selfie angle with bangs,
but at least my eyebrows still look good.
I just realized all of these photos look the same, but I promise they're not. Both of my brothers said my bangs make me look like Megan from Purity Ring. They said they give me a hippie grunge typa vibe. Personally, I think I look 5. 11 on a good day. But I'm still obsessed with them. As of now, I'm too low maintenance for them. I'm going to have to start brushing my hair and stop going to bed with my hair wet. Wish me luck. Maybe this is a good thing. I'll probably quit when school starts though. 

That's not the only thing I've done out of boredom that's worthy enough to blog about. Ya grrrl also made her own halter top.
ignore the low quality from the webcam pls
After years of owning a sewing machine I finally pulled it out along with some DIY videos on youtube. It may actually be the best thing I've done in a while. This top is actually pretty messy and I ended up using a hot glue gun in the end, but it's wearable and that's all that matters. I'm planning on making more along with other different tops. Hopefully this is the start of something bigger. 

Here's to doing cool things when you're bored



  1. The fringe looks amazing!!!! It suits you so much, I am so scared to get one cut in and I just don't think it would suit my hair, but yours looks so cool! I will definitely check out your DIY videos too, I'm looking for some crafty little projects for over the summer!
    Hope you've had a great day,
    Bethany x


    Do pop over to my blog, if you fancy of course, and tell me what you think!

    1. aw thanks girly, and def try it!!! i didn't think i would like them but i love them plus its just hair it will grow back!

  2. Yo bangs look so good on you, and it's making me question the decision to grow mine out??????? (Also that top looks sick soooooooooooooo )


    1. SONJA! thank u luv u <3 ps pls tell me this means ur back for good!

  3. you honestly look so pretty! And that top is so cool x

  4. your eyebrow game is stttrrrooonnnggg wow
    also your top is so cute:) x

  5. The fringe looks so good! (I just got sick of my hair so I cut it with scissors at home haha)
    & That halter top looks so cool, DIY's are the best!

  6. Your bangs are so cute!! You look gorgeous. And I am in love with your diy halter; boredom isn't half bad when it births some pretty rad creativity x

  7. cute photos! cool blog<3
    following you!


  8. dang I'm loving the bangs, they look incred. Also I'm loving that top! I haven't sewn in forever.. xo

    1. same girl! i guess you just start when its 3am on a summer night hahah

  9. Those outfits are beautiful, I love your hair too! x http://coffeeatmidnight13.blogspot.co.uk/

  10. Ooh! you look so good with the fringe! It's very hard to pull off a fringe let me tell you and it is really scary to make a change like this when you don't know how you'll look at the end of it and it's a risk. I've wanting to dye my hair but I'm so scared of the risk and what if it damages my hair.Plus I love your blog, it's very cute. I'm very glad I came across it.

    Zoha xx - Zoe and Tima

    1. omg i totally know the feeling! i've been wanting a change with my hair for over a year now, but i was too scared. I'm soooo glad i finally went through with it though, i love them! you should just go with it, fingers crossed <3
