February 5, 2015

all about that (chuck) bass

Hey upper east siders, gossip girl's here. M has been spotted sporting a crew neck with bad boy bass on it with her infamous tennis skirt from American Apparel. GOD DOES SHE OWN ANYTHING ELSE???? 
As you may already know, gossip girl has taken over my life. When I found out that Ed Westwick was teaming up with represent.com to help raise money for St. Jude Children's Hospital with this sweater I just HAD TO buy it. Trust me, I tried to take control and not buy it because I hate the song, but I wasn't strong enough. Sigh, that mother chucker has won again.

The sweater is huge and fits like a dress which makes it soooooo comfy. Warning: I may or may not be wearing this everyday for the rest of my life. I already hate myself for buying this sweater and hate myself even more for loving it. But I mean the deed is already done so why not share it on a blog? Maybe you guys can help me feel better about the fact that gossip girl has full control on me.

 I also know that these pictures aren't that good so I turned to Shelbs from The Sugar Fawn for editing inspo to try and spice things up. I might actually edit all of my pictures like this from now on, but I can not decide on anything EVER so who knows. 

I'll also try to stop wearing my tennis skirts with everything. I'm tired of being THAT girl, but it matched perfectly. Long story short, I'm all about that Bass. 



  1. i loove this outfit!! the sweater is too funny haha xx


  2. Such a cute outfit, and that jumper is just what I need to feed my gossip girl addiction x

  3. this jumper literally is my life!!!!! ah I love it!!!
    x Alyssa

  4. I love your style so much! Those pictures are so cute.

  5. Tennis skirts are the best! If I wasn't in Ohio I would wear one every day. And I DO love the way you've edited these. Maybe I should try that...

