April 23, 2017

blue boredom

mini hitaus because 1. i got my laptop taken away again for being an online thottie n 2. i've been a bit stressedt trying to decide what college i will be attending next year because of my commitment issues n lack of decisiveness. lets also blame the planets retrogrades so its not totally my fault.
so spring break was exactly what i needed. wine on the beach, long drives screaming to demi lovato, n running away to san diego. what else does a girl want?

about 5 more weeks left of school n WE OUT DIS BITCH. excited but also scared. i? am? a? baby? and? will? not? survive? in? the? real? world? but it doesnt matter bc we on. stay tuned for weekly breakdowns im guessing.

p.s. i have a new ig now @bratty.b (bc @iamnotfamousanymore was taken) so pls follow me on there n feed my ego i desperately #need it



  1. got your laptop taken away for being an "online thottie" HAHAHAHA toooooo much. cutttte photos and honestly no one knows how to live in the 'real world', ya learn while you're experiencing it!

  2. those yellow sunglasses are too much- I need themmm. Also wine on the beach with strawberries is the dream, I wish the weather was warm enough here:(

  3. Cutest photos ever x
