August 21, 2014

PSA That Needs To Be Heard

- Kate Nash

Don't wear your shorts that short! Take pepper spray with you! Cover yourself, you don't want to make other men around you uncomfortable! You can't do that because your a girl! You're a girl you're suppose to do that!  Warning: I am about to start a big rant that I just need to get off my chest without people telling me to shut up because I'm "too young and don't understand."

You have the right to dress however you want without having to hear people telling you stuff. You can wear a crop top or a turtle neck as long as you're comfortable and want to. It's your choice!!! We also need to stop going around and calling other girls sluts and whores. Just because somebody wears more revealing clothes than you doesn't make her worth any less than you. Just because somebody sleeps with different people often doesn't make her less than you. Everybody is equal, men and women.

The double standards sucks. Boys get praised if they sleep around and it's always so "cute" if they're a 19 year old Virgin. But if a girl is sexually active she's a skank and if she's not she's a prude. There is literally no winning about this if you're a girl. It's also ok for boys to walk around shirtless because that's totally normal, but once a girl's bra strap is showing omg cover up!!!! Yes, we don't want older married men with children of his own lusting about us, but why doesn't he get taught from a young age to control himself!!! He's in his mid 40's yet he still goes around thinking about teenage girls, that's ok though because everyone does it. We should just make it easier for them by wearing jeans and a long sleeve even if it's 100 degrees outside. This doesn't just apply to older men though, even in school we have to deal with this because of the dress code. We have to wear shorts that go down to our knees so we don't distract the boys from learning while they're sitting in their white tight t-shirts and pants that you can so see their butt in. Boys will be boys though, so we have to dress accordingly to the dress code and we shouldn't even be paying attention to boys in class because we need to focus on our future. But why doesn't anybody teach that to boys?????? Why is it ok for boys to look at us and nobody teaches them differently??????? Why is it ok for boys to look at us as a sex object but if a girl does that she gets called names???? Girls are always taught not to focus on boys, but nobody tells the guy anything for bringing his girlfriend home. And why are older men still lusting over 17 year old girls?????? They're 20 years older but still think it's ok to cat call, why doesn't anyone see anything wrong with that????? And why do people get offended by seeing women's nipples when it's literally the same thing as a man??? We actually see men's nipples all of the time, but it's "disgusting" when we see women's. 

Then there's the topic of what girls should do and what we shouldn't. We should know how to clean and cook and probably be a stay at home mom in the future. But oh no! We absolutely should not think of having a powerful well paid job, we have to save those for the men in the world. That is also why they get paid more in the work place, sexism doesn't exist though!!!! 

Us girls should always feel powerful because we are actually super cool. We shouldn't listen to men and have them decide what we want to do. It's all up to you because it's your life. Do whatever it takes to make you love yourself and feel beautiful. You get to make all of your choices on your own. Don't worry what others will think or if your going against your gender by doing or not doing some things. All that matters in the end is your self confidence. So buy the dark lipstick and the tall high heels you have been eyeing for so long but not sure if you want them because guys hate it when girls wear them. It's up to you if you want to shave and how you want to dress. You can wear a bra or not wear a bra, whichever makes you comfortable. It's ok to want to feel sexy and it's ok if you're not into that. You get to decide how you want to live because it's your choice and your life.

I'm not trying to say I hate boys and I think girls are way better. I love boys and some of them are also pretty sunglasses emoji. We don't need to change ourselves for boys though!! Or anyone actually!!! I just needed a place to express my thoughts and beliefs on this topic. And express how EVERYONE IS EQUAL no matter gender, color, race, and sexual life. We shouldn't go around thinking that others are less because they're different than us by what they do or who they are!!! 


1 comment :

  1. PREACH MAN. PREACH. you're super sunglasses emoji.
